Datin Seri Raihanah Begum Binti Abdul Rahman
Age: 62, Female, Malaysian
Independent Non-Executive Director
Member of the Risk and Sustainability Committee
Member of the Audit and Governance Committee
Member of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee
Datin Seri Raihanah Begum Binti Abdul Rahman
was appointed to the Board of Directors of the Company on 8
April 2019 as an Independent Non-Executive Director. She
currently sits on the Boards of MAA Group Berhad, Mycron
Steel Berhad, Tuju Setia Berhad and several other private
limited companies.
Datin Seri Raihanah is an Associate of the Chartered Insurance
Institute (UK) and the Malaysian Insurance Institute. As
a scholar of American Malaysian Insurance Sdn Bhd (later
known as CIMB Bank Insurance) she started her insurance
career with the company immediately after successfully completing her
course in 1984 and has held various positions in the Underwriting and
Marketing Departments before leaving in 1988 to join Malene Insurance
Brokers Sdn Bhd ("Malene").
During her 10-year service at Malene, she was exposed to various aspects
of the oil and gas industry and was involved in the Insurance programmes
for Petronas, Shell, Exxon-Mobil and various other oil and gas-related
companies such as Gas Malaysia Sdn Bhd and MISC Berhad. Her experience
also included an attachment with a London-based Lloyds broker.
She left Malene in 1997 when she was the Acting Chief Executive Officer,
to dedicate more time in bringing up her three young children. To ensure
that she was in touch with the insurance industry and coupled with her
experience and knowledge in insurance underwriting and broking, she
made time, from 1998 to 1999, while being a homemaker, to be a part
time lecturer with the Malaysian Insurance Institute for insurance industry
practitioners to obtain a more in-depth knowledge of the business.
In August 2005, Datin Seri Raihanah was appointed as a Non-Executive
Director to the board of a public-listed fibre-based manufacturing
company called Wang Zheng Berhad ("Wang Zheng"). She served as an
active board member at Wang Zheng for 8 years.
She was also appointed as a member of the Board of Trustees for the
Malaysian Medical Association ("MMA") Foundation for a three-year term
from 2007. MMA Foundation is a non-profit organization which provides
financial assistance for undergraduate medical students, continuing
professional development, public health education and donations to
Datin Seri Raihanah has no family ties with any of the Directors and/ or
major shareholders of the Company nor any shareholding in the Company.
Datin Seri Raihanah does not have any personal interest in any business
arrangements involving the Company.
Datin Seri Raihanah does not have any conflict of interest with the
Company and she has had no conviction for any offences within the past
five (5) years, other than traffic offences, if any, and no public sanction or
penalty imposed by the relevant regulatory bodies during the financial